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Preventing Mold Growth in Colorado Homes: Tips for Humidity Control and Ventilation

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Colorado is known for its picturesque mountains and wonderous landscape, but that’s not all you might find hiding under the surface if you’re lucky enough to call this state home. Unfortunately, mold growth can also be problematic in many Colorado homes and apartments. If you’ve just moved into your space, mold growth can be one of the first unpleasant surprises that move in. Mold is easy enough to prevent; however, it is harder to handle once it has taken root in the home. Follow this guide for tips on preventing mold growth in Colorado homes, including practical humidity control and ventilation information.

Preventing Mold Growth in Colorado Homes: Tips for Humidity Control and Ventilation

Why Mold Growth Affects Colorado Homes

Mold growth is more likely in some areas than others because of certain environmental conditions. Oddly enough, mold is a fungus that has a purpose. Mold plays a vital part in the natural environment, primarily by breaking down organic matter.

Mold or mildew grows in areas with higher humidity and poor ventilation and can develop within 24 to 48 hours. It prefers stuffy areas with moisture problems and will naturally start to grow anywhere there’s a hint of dampness.

The above can often describe unseen areas in the home, including behind walls, attics, crawl spaces, and ceilings. Sometimes, mold problems do not become apparent until the issues have already spread.

If you think you might have mold growth, the first step is to establish if it is actually mold. Next, find out where the mold is most apparent in the home.

Test for Mold

Mold can sometimes be identified by an apparent musty smell or by the appearance of “spotted” mold growth. However, many types of mold infestations can grow undetected while still throwing spores and spreading. This is why mold can be a challenging problem to spot. The indoor air quality can be reduced before you know the overall issue.

The best way to be sure whether or not you have a mold issue is to use a verified test kit. Mold spores in the air or surfaces will provide a sure, positive test result whether or not it can be smelled or seen.

Measure the Humidity Level

Humidity can be a huge issue where things are unsealed or in higher humidity areas. Where there’s humidity and compromised airflow, you could have a breeding ground for mold growth anywhere in the home.

Measuring the humidity level makes it easier to know precisely what you’re dealing with. High humidity levels don’t necessarily indicate mold but tell you that this area could create the perfect breeding ground for mold growth.

In this case, preventative measures for controlling humidity should be used to stop mold from taking root.

Treat Mold-Prone Areas 

Mold-prone areas should be kept ventilated and dry, especially showers and kitchens. Unseen areas such as porches and stairs should also be checked often, as moisture can enter more places than Venom.

Mold doesn’t like pure rubbing alcohol or vinegar, and salt can also be used as a mold-killer in some cases. Specific mold-killing chemicals safe around plants and animals can be used to stop or slow the spread.

In severe cases, a mold remediation specialist may be necessary when:

  • Extreme water damage has occurred
  • Toxic or black mold is present
  • Mold has spread to other areas of the home

Mold Removal And Potential For Regrowth

If mold has already found its way into organic materials like ceiling tiles or wood products, the best way to control the problem can sometimes be to remove the affected items and replace them.

This sounds drastic, but can make sure that the most common “spotted” forms of mold growth don’t reappear.

Consider removing the affected parts if a particular area is difficult to clean so it doesn’t lead to mold regrowth. Remember that mold can grow straight over something freshly painted if the cause isn’t taken care of.

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